
Fertility Awareness Based Coaching and Instruction

FSI Coaching

Coaching Package - Let's work a plan to improve your cycles!

Multiple One-on-One online fertility awareness-based coaching sessions to help navigate using the NFP STM method and other fertility concerns through any phase of fertility.

Method Instruction

CCL Sympto-Thermal Method while Pregnant or Postpartum

Postpartum is a time of transition from pregnancy to regular cycles. Learn the Sympto-Thermal Method as taught by the Couple to Couple League and the postpartum transition guidelines. This appointment is for couples new to fertility awareness and wanting to learn during postpartum. Husbands welcome!

Individual instruction with a CCL teacher/coach using MS Teams meeting.

Fertility Awareness for Single Women

Learn how to chart your fertility signs and learn about cycle health. Includes one hour of instruction and two follow-up sessions. Instruction is delivered via personal video meetings using MS Teams.

Individual Instruction in CCL Sympto-Thermal Method

Learn the Sympto-Thermal Method as taught by the Couple to Couple League. This instruction will be individualized for you as a couple depending on your background. This is a good fit for couples who have already practiced some fertility awareness either from learning on their own or with an app. Husbands and fiances welcome!

Personalized Perimenopause STM

One-on-One online fertility awareness-based class to learn how to apply the Sympto-thermal method NFP during perimenopause. Get help with charting and other fertility concerns during the perimenopause time with your own coach. Meetings happen online with MS Teams. Husbands welcome!

Personalized Postpartum STM

One-on-One online fertility awareness-based class to learn how to apply the Sympto-thermal method NFP during postpartum. Get help with charting and other fertility concerns during the postpartum time with your own coach. Meetings happen online with MS Teams. Husbands welcome!